Welcome to My Foundation – Under Construction – Email info@thefcsfoundation.org
May 24th, 2010 Gulf of Mexico
Hudson Beach, FL
The sole misson of the Frank Carlton Saunders Foundation is to encourage others to take part in continuing the research and development of various treatment therapies that Mr. Frank Saunders was part of with the Infectious Disease Center so others who suffer from dibilitating illnesses will have hope and a better quality of life. Through the many donations we receive, the Foundation will distribute these funds to various research facilities to further the studies that Mr. Saunders started as his case will be reviewed and written about in many medical journals world wide for years to come. According to Mr. Saunders, if there is one person that can benefit from the research for new cures and advanced medication therapy to improve the quality of their life, then it was worth all the bumps on the road of his journey. There is no more pain, only peace and tranquility. If you would like to send a charitable donation, visit our donate page for further instructions. The family, friends, and medical professionals that Frank touched their hearts, thank you for keeping his dream alive.